CBSE Syllabus for Class 6 Hindi 2023-24
The CBSE Board's guidelines are followed while creating the Class 6 Hindi Syllabus. The chapters that Class 6 pupils should study are listed in the CBSE Hindi syllabus. Even the exam questions are written using the Board-provided CBSE Syllabus. Therefore, before beginning to study for their Class 6 Hindi examination, pupils should have a thorough comprehension of the subject.
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Chapter-wise Listing of CBSE Class 6 Hindi Vasant Syllabus
पाठ 1: वह चिड़िया जो (कविता)
पाठ 2: बचपन (संस्मरण)
पाठ 3: नादान दोस्त (कहानी)
पाठ 4: चाँद से थोड़ी-सी गप्पे (कविता)
पाठ 5: साथी हाथ बढ़ाना – एक दौड़ ऐसी भी (केवल पढ़ने के लिए)
पाठ 6: ऐसे – ऐसे (एकांकी)
पाठ 7: टिकेट – अलबम (कहानी)
पाठ 8: झांसी की रानी (कविता)
पाठ 9: जो देखकर भी नहीं देखते (निबंध) – छूना और देखना (केवल पढ़ने के लिए)
पाठ 10: संसार पुस्तक है (पत्र)
पाठ 11: मैं सबसे छोटी होऊं (कविता)
पाठ 12: लोकगीत (निबंध) – दो हरियाणवी लोक गीत (केवल पढ़ने के लिए)
पाठ 13: नोकर (निबंध)
पाठ 14: वन के मार्ग में (कविता)
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Durva Chapters
पाठ 1: कलम
पाठ 2: किताब
पाठ 3: घर
पाठ 4: पतंग
पाठ 5: भालू
पाठ 6: झरना
पाठ 7: धनुष
पाठ 8: रुमाल
पाठ 9: कक्षा
पाठ 10: गुब्बारा
पाठ 11: पर्वत
पाठ 12: हमारा घर
पाठ 13: कपडे की दूकान
पाठ 14: फूल
पाठ 15: बातचीत
पाठ 16: शिलांग से फ़ोन
पाठ 17: तितली
पाठ 18: ईश्वरचन्द्र विद्यासागर
पाठ 19: प्रदर्शनी
पाठ 20: चिट्ठी
पाठ 21: अंगुलिमाल
पाठ 22: यात्रा की तैयारी
पाठ 23: हाथी
पाठ 24: डॉक्टर
पाठ 25: जयपुर से पत्र
पाठ 26: बढे चलो
पाठ 27: व्यर्थ की शंका
पाठ 28: गधा और सियार
CBSE Class 6 Hindi Bal Ram Katha Chapters
पाठ 1: आवध्पुरि मे राम
पाठ 2: जंगल और जनकपुर
पाठ 3: दो वर्दान
पाठ 4: राम का वन-गमन
पाठ 5: चित्रकूट में भरत
पाठ 6: दंडक वन में दस वर्ष
पाठ 7: सोन॓ का हिरण
पाठ 8: सीता की खोज
पाठ 9: राम और सुग्रीव
पाठ 10: लंका में हनुमान
पाठ 11: लंका विजय
पाठ 12: राम का राज्याभिशेक
The CBSE Class 6 Hindi curriculum is intended to support pupils as they improve their knowledge of and competence in the Hindi language. It includes a variety of language topics, such as grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, and writing abilities. Chapters or subjects that introduce pupils to various genres of Hindi literature, including prose and poetry, often make up the curriculum.
Q.1. What is the duration of the CBSE Class 6 Hindi exam?
Ans. 1. The duration of the Hindi exam may vary depending on the specific format of the question paper. Generally, it ranges from 2 to 3 hours.
Q.2 How can I improve my Hindi comprehension skills?
To enhance your comprehension skills, practice reading Hindi texts regularly. Focus on understanding the context, identify key ideas, and make connections within the text. Engage in activities like summarizing, answering questions, and discussing the content with others.
Q.3.Is there any oral examination or speaking component in the Hindi exam?
While the Hindi exam primarily focuses on reading, writing, and comprehension, some schools may include an oral examination or speaking component to assess students' speaking skills, pronunciation, and fluency in Hindi.
Q.4. Are there any specific guidelines for writing and composition tasks?
The CBSE provides guidelines for writing and composition tasks in Hindi. These guidelines focus on developing coherent and meaningful writing, incorporating relevant vocabulary, and following the prescribed format for different writing tasks.
Download CBSE Class 6th Hindi Syllabus PDF

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