CBSE Class 9 English (Language and Literature) Syllabus 2022-23

CBSE Class 9 English (Language and Literature) Syllabus 2022-23: This article contains a PDF download of the CBSE Revised Syllabus 2022-23 for Class 9 English (Language and Literature). To be prepared for the annual assessment, students must read through this revised syllabus to comprehend the course structure and content. This curriculum also includes the question format for the CBSE Class 9 English Annual Exam 2022-23.  CBSE Class 9 English (Language and Literature) Syllabus 2022-23

Annual Examination - Theory Paper (80 Marks)

Section A

Reading Skills

20 Marks

40 periods

Section B

Writing Skills with Grammar

20 Marks

40 periods

Section C

Literature Textbooks and Supplementary Reading Text

40 Marks

50 periods

Download CBSE Class 9th English Syllabus

Section A - Reading Skills

Reading Comprehension through Unseen Passage (20 Marks)

 I. Discursive passage of 400-450 words. (10 marks)

II. Case-based passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.) of 200-250 words. (10 marks)

(Total length of two passages to be 600-700 words)

Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

Section B - Writing Skills with Grammar

III. Grammar  (10 Marks)

  • Tenses
  • Modals
  • Subject
  • verb concord
  • Reported speech
  • Commands and requests
  • Statements
  • Questions
  • Determiners

The courses at the secondary level seek to cement high professional grasp of grammatical items and levels of accuracy. Accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar will be assessed through Gap Filling/ Editing/Transformation exercises. Ten out of 12 questions will be attempted.

IV. Creative Writing Skills (10 marks)

This section will have short as well as long writing tasks including compositions.

(i) Writing a Descriptive Paragraph (word limit 100-120 words) on a person/event/situation based on visual or verbal cue/s. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)

(ii) Writing a Diary Entry/ Story on a given title in 100-120 words. One out of two questions is to be answered. (5 marks)

Section C - Literature Textbook & Supplementary Reader

V. Reference to the Context (40 Marks)

(i) One extract out of two from Drama / Prose.

(ii) One extract out of two from poetry. (5+5 = 10 Marks)

Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions will be asked to assess inference, analysis, interpretation, evaluation and vocabulary.

VI. Short & Long Answer Questions

(i) Four out of Five Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 40-50 words from the book BEEHIVE. (4x3=12 marks)

(ii) Two out of Three Short Answer Type Questions to be answered in 40-50 words from the book MOMENTS. (3x2=6 marks)

(iii) One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from BEEHIVE to be answered in about 100-120 words to assess creativity, imagination and extrapolation beyond the text and across the texts. This can also be a passage-based question taken from a situation/plot from the texts. (6 marks)

(iv) One out of two Long Answer Type Questions from MOMENTS on theme or plot involving interpretation, extrapolation beyond the text and inference or character sketch to be answered in about 100-120 words. (6 marks)

CBSE Class 9 English Language and Literature: Prescribed Books

Published by NCERT, New Delhi


1. The Fun They Had
2. The Sound of Music
3. The Little Girl
4. A Truly Beautiful Mind
5. The Snake and the Mirror
6. My Childhood
7. Reach For The Top
8. Kathmandu
9. If I were You
1. The Road Not taken
2. Wind
3. Rain on The Roof
4. The Lake Isle of Innisfree
5. A Legend of The Northland
6. No Men Are Foreign
7. On killing a tree
8. A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal


1. The Lost Child
2. The adventures of Toto 
3. Iswaran the Storyteller
4. In the kingdom of fools
5. The Happy Prince
6. The Last Leaf
7. A House is not a Home
8. The Beggar

WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS – II (WORKBOOK FOR CLASS X) – Units 1 to 6 and Units 8, 10 & 11


In conclusion, the 9th-grade English syllabus covers a wide range of topics and skills designed to enhance students' language proficiency and literary understanding. Throughout the course, students explore various genres of literature, develop their reading and writing skills, and deepen their comprehension and analysis abilities. The syllabus aims to foster critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication, which are essential skills for academic success and personal growth. By engaging with a diverse selection of texts and actively participating in class discussions, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the English language and its power to convey ideas, emotions, and perspectives.


1.What is the 9th-grade English syllabus?

The 9th-grade English syllabus includes a combination of literature, grammar, and writing components. It typically covers topics such as novels, short stories, poetry, grammar rules, vocabulary development, essay writing, and comprehension skills.

2.What novels are commonly studied in the 9th-grade English syllabus?

The choice of novels may vary depending on the educational institution, but some commonly studied novels for 9th graders include "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare, "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell.

3.What writing skills are emphasized in the 9th-grade English syllabus?

The 9th-grade English syllabus focuses on developing essential writing skills, such as structuring essays, improving grammar and vocabulary usage, crafting coherent paragraphs, and organizing ideas effectively. Students are encouraged to express their thoughts clearly and persuasively in different writing formats

4.How does the 9th-grade English syllabus improve reading comprehension?

The 9th-grade English syllabus enhances reading comprehension skills by exposing students to a variety of literary works. Through close reading, analysis, and discussions, students learn to interpret texts, identify literary devices, understand themes and character development, and make connections between the text and real-world experiences.

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