CBSE Class 10 Hindi A Course Structure 2022-2023
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is one of the most prominent education boards in India, and it offers a comprehensive syllabus for the Class 10 Hindi course. The Class 10 Hindi syllabus is designed to develop the students' skills in reading, writing, and speaking Hindi. It also aims to improve their understanding of the language and its cultural context.
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Kritika – कृतिका
Kritika Chapter 1: माता का अँचल
Kritika Chapter 2: जॉर्ज पंचम की नाक
Kritika Chapter 3: साना – साना हाथ जोड़ि
Kritika Chapter 4: एही ठैयाँ झुलनी हेरानी हो रामा!
Kritika Chapter 5: मैं क्यों लिखता हूँ?
Kritika Chapter 5: लेखक परिचय
Kshitij – क्षितिज
Kshitij Chapter 1: सूरदास
Kshitij Chapter 2: तुलसीदास
Kshitij Chapter 3: देव
Kshitij Chapter 4: जयशंकर प्रसाद
Kshitij Chapter 5: सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’
Kshitij Chapter 6: नागार्जुन
Kshitij Chapter 7: गिरिजा कुमार माथुर
Kshitij Chapter 8: ऋतुराज
Kshitij Chapter 9: मंगलेश डबराल
Kshitij Chapter 10: स्वयं प्रकाश
Kshitij Chapter 11: रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी
Kshitij Chapter 12: यशपाल
Kshitij Chapter 13: सर्वेश्वर दयाल सक्सेना
Kshitij Chapter 14: मन्नू भंडारी
Kshitij Chapter 15: महावीर प्रसाद द्विवेदी
Kshitij Chapter 16: यतीन्द्र मिश्रा
Kshitij Chapter 17: भदंत आनंद कौसल्यायन
Class10 Hindi NCERT Books – Course B
स्पर्श (पद्य)
Chapter 1: Kabeer – Saakhi
Chapter 2: Meera – Padd
Chapter 3: Bihari – Dohe
Chapter 4: Mathilisharan Gupt – Manushyata
Chapter 5: Sumitranandan Pant – Parvat Pradesh Ke Pawas
Chapter 6: Mahadevi Verma – Madhur Madhur Mere Deepak Jal
Chapter 7: Viren Dandwal – Top
Chapter 8: Kafee Azmi – Kar Chale Ham Fida
Chapter 9: Ravindra Nath Thakur – Aatmrin
स्पर्श(गद्य )
Chapter 1: Premchand – Bade Bhi Sahab
Chapter 2: Sitaram Seksariya – Dairy Ka Eak Panna
Chapter 3: Leeladhar Mandloi – Tantara Vamiro Katha
Chapter 4: Prahlad Aggarwal – Tisari Kasam Ke Shilpkar Shalendra
Chapter 5: Anton Chekhov – Girgit
Chapter 6: Nida Phazali – Ab Kahan Doosron Ke Dukh Se Dukhi Hone Wale
Chapter 7: Ravindra Kelekar – Patjhar Ki Tooti Pattiyan
Chapter 8: Habeeb Tanveer – Kartoos (Akanki)
Chapter 1: Mithileshwar – Harihar Kaka
Chapter 2: Gurdyal Singh – Sapno Ke Se Din
Chapter 3: Rahi Masoom Raza – Topi Shukla
Lekhak Parichaya
To prepare for the CBSE Class 10th Hindi exam, students should regularly practice grammar exercises, read and understand the prescribed textbooks, and solve previous years' question papers. Good communication skills and a deep understanding of the language's nuances can be very helpful in scoring well in the exam.
1.What are the two courses in CBSE Class 10th Hindi syllabus?
A: The CBSE Class 10th Hindi syllabus includes two courses - Course A and Course B. Course A is focused on the development of language skills, including grammar, comprehension, and composition. Course B is focused on literature, including poetry, prose, and drama.
2: What are the important topics covered in CBSE Class 10th Hindi syllabus?
A: The CBSE Class 10th Hindi syllabus includes topics like grammar, comprehension, composition, poetry, short stories, plays, and essays.
3: How can I prepare for CBSE Class 10th Hindi exam?
A: To prepare for the CBSE Class 10th Hindi exam, students should regularly practice grammar exercises, read and understand the prescribed textbooks, and solve previous years' question papers. Good communication skills and a deep understanding of the language's nuances can be very helpful in scoring well in the exam.
Download CBSE class 10th Hindi Part A pdf from below mentioned link
Download CBSE class 10th Hindi Part B pdf from below mentioned link

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